Construction of a modern plant has begun


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To date, the construction of the first stage of the modern plant has already begun

for the production of environmentally friendly fused shield.

Wood has always been and will be the safest material for building housing. Today, in Europe, splice boards are already actively used for construction - both internal and external decoration of houses is made of them. Such houses are considered the most environmentally friendly buildings in the world, have an unusually beautiful appearance, are reliable and of high quality. Splitting does not spoil the qualities of wood, and wood with the help of this technology becomes even more attractive.

Installation of a house from a jointed glued beam

ready-made building parts are used — jointed panels and shields. A new building made of jointed timber is 70% more durable than from ordinary timber.

The material has high thermal characteristics, which will subsequently lead to savings when paying for heating. Thermal qualities are achieved by careful connection of all parts during construction.

The capacity of the plant for the production of environmentally friendly fused shield is planned to be located on a total area of 12000 sq.m., due to which a full production cycle will be realized and a wide range of environmentally friendly products for construction will be supplied to domestic and foreign markets - spliced board, fused beam, glued beam, rose closed doors and windows.